I've been relatively
silent the last few weeks as several happenings around the world have
served to so perfectly coalesce and demonstrate everything facing our
society that commenting would have been irresponsible without taking
time to think it all through. It's easy to get angry, lord knows I
do a lot of that, but it's much harder to soberly try and assess what
happened, whose fault it is, and how we can move towards a world
that, at the very least, FEELS fairer.
This weekend I'm going
to talk about 3 seemingly uncconected issues. They were all in one
piece but that piece was absurdly long so... First the Pulse
nightclub massacre, then “Brexit”, and then the most recent
police shootings. Then I'll connect the dots and show how all three
are symptoms of the same thing. If we can't even agree on what
happened, how the hell can we agree on what's to blame, to say
nothing of a solution.
Ah solutions. IF
you're reading because you think I'm going to propose solutions you
may be dissapointed. One of my cental theses is that there are no
solutions. Only responses.
Lets go
chronologically. The massacre in Orlando. Almost immeditely I told
O'keefe exactly what the response would be from the class that rules
us. Both sides would use the tried and true political tactic of
staying on message. They'd do this because it works! It's why our
media LOVEs to comment about it. They treat staying on message the
way baseball announcers talk about keeping your hands in the hitting
“Well Bob the Clinton
campaign has done a masterful job of staying on message and not
letting anything shift them from that.”
It doesnt matter WHAT
the message is. All that matters is that you repeat that message ad
nauseum. Forever.
The political Right
immedietly and incessantly pointed out that this was a terrorist
attack. And that's true. But they refused to admit it was ANYTHING
other than a terroirst attack. Pam Bondy, the Florida attorney
genral who has wasted Florida tax dollars trying to prove that gay
marriage does tangible harm to Floridians was the most noxious
example of this. It didn't matter that the victims were gay, it
didn't matter they crime was done with a firearm, it didn't matter
that the person doing the crime was just the latest example of the
phenomena of the carnage being done by socially isolated young men
and the rage our culture fills them with. It certainlly didn't bear
examining the Homophobia that results from generations of mainstream
poitical discourse actually arguing about whether lgbt people deserve
full human rights. No, what mattered was terrorism.
Even if we agreed with
this. Even if we could be that reductive. What would then follow
was an actual examination of this tactic, what's caused it, what has
and hasnt worked fighting it historically and what we can do better
going forward.
But that's also off the
table. Because the truth is the same political and cultural elite
has been in power for going on 70 years now. And not only have they
not licked this problem. They've made it worse. To admit that this
terrorism is a direct response to the Wests foreign policy is not
possible. Because THESE very people and their bi-partisan consensus
on interventionist foreign policy is what gave you this terrorism.
And if you realized that you sure as fuck wouldn't let them be the
ones to solve it would you?
This is natural. None
of us wants to really examine our own failings. IT sucks. I know
because I'll be getting to my own personal failings tommorow.
But first lets take a
look over at the elite lefts response. I nailed this one to a T as
The Pulse massacre
really had absolutely nothng to do with terrorism! Remember now, the
cause of terrorism is a result of the decades long bi partisan
consensus on foreign policy. The Clintons and Barrack Obama and
Jimmy Carter and Brezynski are just as responsible for this as the
other side is. They both own it and no one wants to really touch it
because the solutions to that begin with a very uncomfortable
confession to the American people and a radical reimagining of The
West's role in the world.
So no, The Pulse
massacre was caused by guns. And the crazy people who want guns.
And the fact that people on no fly lists can buy guns. Nevermind
that almonst none of the mass shootings would have been stopped by
any of the lefts gun reforms. Nevermind that France has gun
restrictions that are a political leftists wet dream and they still
had Paris. Nevermind that prohibitions on guns will go about as well
as a prohibtions on prostitution and drugs and alcohol and gambling.
And certainly don't
point out that “IF you aren't safe enough to fly you aren't safe
enough to buy a gun,” is an absurd, innane and ineffectual
position. First off you don't have a constituional right to air
travel. I'm not totally comfortable with it either but the fact is
the second right enshrined in the constitution is a right to bear
This is a
perfectly reasonable thing to enshrine coming from people who had
read historys of feudalism and seen how well peasant revolts and
political reform went when one side had cavalry and the other had
ploughshares. An armed citzenry is less likely to be rolled over
than an unarmed one. That's why the 2nd ammedment exists.
If it makes it easier
for you on the left let me do a little word game. Subsitute “speak”
for “buy a gun”
If you're too dangerous
to fly you're too dangerous to have free speech. See? That's no so
good huh?
And must I point out
that these very lists have been loathed by civil rights advocates on
the left and the right since their creation? Weren't we all sharing
facebook posts about children and congressmen and leftist activists
being on the no fly lists? Is the left ACTUALLY advocating that a
barely constitional list, completely opaque with almost no formal
appeals process is a swell way to deny people one of their
constitional rights? Because that's horrifying to someone like me
who has read the history of the Federal Government and the lists they
make. No thank you.
The first step to
getting past this ridiculous situation is admitiing the other side is
not completely populated by neanderthals. And before you say “we
don't want to ban guns just assault rifles,” please go read some of
the lefts writing and speeches. I'm all for common sense gun reform
if everyone can agree. But I'm not ok with distilling a complex
tragedy down to one issue fo rthe sake of passing a reform that may
be unconstutional and at best would have meant slightly less death.
And so what happens is
another, perfect opportunity to have a broad and complex discussion
that amazingly touches on several of the most pressing issues facing
us as a people (terrorism, LGBT rights, homophobia, mental health
issues, domestic abuse, and alienated young men and the terror they
can cause when they become completely isolated) is reduced to a
fucking absurd binary discussion meant to serve the electoral needs
of a political class that got us in this position in the first place.
And here is where I
need to comment about something so fudamental to us but something
that's never examined in any depth at all. Fear. Fear is what
motivates our actions on a personal level and a political level.
That's natural too! Governance is the mechanism by which we adress
the things we don't want to happen. But I'm going to pose a question
to myself and I'm going to ask that you do the same.
Would I be any less
devastated if Okeefe, Maggie, Josefine and Ike were killed by a
terrorst at Disney world than I would be if they were eaten by an
alligator? Or in an auto accident? Or by a cancer I couldn't afford
to treat?
I don't think I can say
that's true. You may be thinking? So what? Does that mean we don't
do anyting? No. I used to be much more of a nihlist. I used to
actually say outloud “Whatya gonna do?” It was almost my
catchphrase. And it came from the fact that I honestly believed
there was nothing we could do. I had been ground to hoplessness by
our culture. But then I started reading history and getting older
and thinking a bit more clearly. And I came to a stupendous
realization. I literally discovered that I was COMPLETELY wrong.
It's probably the first time that's ever happened (I'm a teensy bit
arrogant btw).
It turns out that you
can solve EVERYTHING. It's simply a matter of what you're willing to
The Catholic church was
able to brutally repress any thinking it thought hertical for
hundreds of years. That's an amazing achievement! Perhaps one of
the most impressive in history.
SO I can solve every
single problem facing America. Ready? Traffic deaths? The new
national speed limit is 10 miles an hour. Anyone caught going above
ten miles an hour is put to death immedietaly and publicly.
Homophobia? There is
now a $1,000,000 reward for turning in anyone you think may harbor
homophobic thoughts. They will be put instantly to death.
Mass shootings? Anyone
caught creating, owning, selling or buying a firearm shall be put to
death with all their friends and family.
Islamic extremeism? We
shall immedieately launch the entire nuclear arsenal at any nation
that produces a person who commmits an act of terrorism. This is
backdated so much of the middle east goes already.
It wouldn't take long
to live in a very very safe world if we had the will to create that
world. It would require we relinquish any pretensions of morality or
religion and any civil rights or privacy but within a couple of
genrations we would live in a world dramatcaly more “safe”.
Why don't we do that?
Because the cost is greater than the gain.
We've been fighting the
drug war for 80 years. And we've gone as far as our cultural
identity will let us with draconian solutions but it's not even close
to far enough. Anyone caught with an illegal drug will be put to
death with all his family. That problem will then be solved in short
There are always
solutions. But to half measures don't work. We, as a people are
going to have to come to grips that if we want a world of individual
liberty we will have a world of less personal safety.
We've got to realize
that in a country of over 350,000,000 people 50 deaths, while an
UNIMAGINABLE tragedy is simply not a good reason to begin
dismantiling civil liberties or constitonal rights. WE need to
realize that while terrorism and gun violence is a serious problem
far far far few people are killed by terrorists than are killed
driving. Far fewer people are murdered by guns than are killed by a
lack of access to health care. And nobody is advocating dismantling
the constition to tackle those problems.
Finally if I can leave
you with two nuggets of wisdom today let it be these.
- YOU ARE NOT SAFE. You never were. Nobody ever has been. But you're safe enough. The government is always at it's absolute worst when solving problems during panic moments. If you want to actually be safer? Wear your seatbelt. Stop eating red meat. Advocate for an actual social safety net. Because your odds of being murdered with a gun are miniscule next to your odds of dying in an auto accident, or by medical error, or by health issues caused by your lifestyle.
- The people who disagree with you are not monsters. They have reasonable positions. And they have wisdom to share with you. Conservatives have some good ideas too. And for many of them (not politicians of course, those guys suck) their oppostion to the lefts gun reform ideas are because what the left has offered would do all of bupkis to solve the problems they are trying to address.
I'll be back with my
Brexit thoughts soon.
Pliny the Welder.
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